Research Project Recognition
Congratulations to undergraduate student Andelin Beishline, who was accepted to present her research project at the Utah Conference for Undergraduate Research last February.
Andelin became involved with research through the ACCESS program at the U. The ACCESS program provides scholarships for women and STEM. As part of the program, Andelin was placed in the Lamb Laboratory (Dr. Tracey Lamb’s laboratory). She has learned a great deal since joining the lab over a year ago, calling it “the most amazing opportunity”.
Her project investigates the relationship between malaria, platelets, and thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia often accompanies malaria infection, but how this occurs is unknown. Andelin chose to focus on this topic for further investigation.
Andelin has been invited to present about her investigation at three different events. She presented at the ACCESS program, at the Utah Conference for Undergraduate Research, and at the M&I Graduate Retreat, where she was one of only two undergraduate students.
Joining the research laboratory setting has helped Andelin realize that she truly enjoys research. She loves gathering and analyzing data, but most importantly figuring out an answer. This experience has helped to better envision herself with a career in research after she graduates from the MLS program.
Andelin is looking to pursue a PhD and move into research and development.
For more information about the ACCESS program visit their website.
View Andelin’s poster and brief video here. Well done, Andelin!