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Fellowship Programs

Post-Sophomore Fellowship with a Masters of Science in Pathology

Post-Sophomore Fellowship with a Masters of Science in Pathology is designed to consolidate the student’s understanding of basic mechanisms of disease, enhance their knowledge of normal and pathologic anatomy, and develop an awareness for the relationship a clinical laboratory has with effective patient care.

Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship

The Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine Fellowship provides core rotations that include a hospital blood bank/transfusion service, pediatric hospital transfusion service, FDA registered donor center, and an immunohematology reference laboratory.

Clinical Chemistry Fellowship

The Clinical Chemistry Fellowship provides broad experience in clinical chemistry for pathologists and scientists with appropriate prior training. The program encompasses preparation in clinical service, laboratory administration, research, and teaching.

Clinical Immunology Fellowship

The Clinical Immunology Fellowship covers the major areas of clinical and diagnostic immunology, including laboratory administration, teaching, and research.

Cytopathology Fellowship

The Cytopathology Fellowship provides comprehensive, broad-based training in cytopathology.

Forensic Pathology Fellowship

Training of the Forensic Pathology fellow is at the Utah Office of the Medical Examiner.  The office serves the entire state of Utah and provides a wide scope of forensic cases for the fellow to develop competency in all types of death investigations falling under the jurisdiction of the office. 

GI Pathology Fellowship

The GI Pathology Fellowship is designed to give the fellow experience at the junior faculty level, including progressive sign-out privileges for qualified fellows.

Hematopathology Fellowship

The Hematopathology Fellowship is designed to meet the needs of the successful candidate and offers broad experience in both diagnostic and experimental hematopathology.

Medical Microbiology Fellowship

The Medical Microbiology Fellowship provides hands-on experience in bacteriology, mycobacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology, molecular microbiology, and serology through a series of structured bench rotations and independent research.

ACGME Track | CPEP Track

Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship

The Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship provides comprehensive training in molecular testing for human genetics, infectious diseases, hematopathology, oncology, pharmacogenetics and histocompatibility.

Neuropathology Fellowship

The Neuropathology Fellowship provides broad experience in diagnostic neuropathology, with emphasis on surgical neuropathology but also with exposure to autopsy, forensic and neuromuscular neuropathology.

Pediatric Pathology Fellowship

The Pediatric Pathology Fellowship offers extensive experience in pediatric anatomic and clinical pathology at Primary Children’s Hospital, ARUP Laboratories, and University of Utah Health.

Surgical Pathology Fellowship

The Surgical Pathology Fellowship is designed to give the fellow experience at the junior faculty level, including sign-out of surgical pathology cases.

Pediatrics/Medical Genetics and Genomics Fellowship

The Pediatrics/Medical Genetics and Genomics Fellowship provides 18 months of clinical rotations, working in the general outpatient genetics clinic at Primary Children's Hospital, and at the Utah Department of Health.

Medical Biochemical Genetics Fellowship

The Medical Biochemical Genetics Fellowship provides 12 months of clinical rotations, including training in the general outpatient genetics clinics, inpatient consultations, along with rotations in the Biochemical Genetics Laboratory at ARUP.

Pediatric Genomic Medicine and Gene Therapy Fellowship

Primary Children’s Hospital Center for Personalized Medicine offers a two-year fellowship in pediatric genomic medicine and gene therapy. Training occurs at the University of Utah and Primary Children's Hospital. 

Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fellowship

The Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fellowship provides training in laboratory testing for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with inherited metabolic disorders.

Laboratory Genetics and Genomics Fellowship

The LGG Fellowship Program provides specialized training in all aspects of sample preparation, analyses and reporting of various types of samples, with a focus on detection and interpretation of chromosomal abnormalities in the Clinical Cytogenetics laboratory, and testing for mutations in human disease in the Clinical Molecular Genetics laboratory.