NIH-NIAID (2021-2026) Pathogenic low affinity CD8 T cells in malaria
PI: Lamb (Evavold MPI) (R01AI167422)
NIH-NIAID (2021-2023) Genetic and Immunological Control for Development of Asymptomatic Malaria. PI: Lamb; Total award: $275,000 (1R21AI152578)
University of Utah, Department of Pathology (2021-2022) Sequencing rodent Plasmodium parasites to quantify parasite life cycle stages. PI: Lamb; Total award $50,000
NIH-NIAID (2020-2025) CD8 T cell antigen recognition during chronic infection
PI: Evavold (Lamb Co-I) Total Award (R01 AI147641)
Immunology, Inflammation and Infectious Disease Initiative, University of Utah (2020-2021) Modulation of malaria pathogenesis by CoVID-19 PIs: Lamb and Ayong; Total award $50,000
Immunology, Inflammation and Infectious Disease Initiative, University of Utah (2019-2020) Defining the role Plasmodium infection on megakaryocytes PIs: Lamb, Rondina and Sigala; Total award $50,000
Center for Iron and Heme Disorders, Univerity of Utah (2019) Oct 1 mediates recovery from Plasmodium-induced malaria. PIs: Lamb and Tantin; Total award $40,000
Immunology, Inflammation and Infectious Disease Initiative, University of Utah (2018-2020) Turning T follicular helper cells “on” to enhance anti-malarial immunity. PIs: Lamb and Hale; Total award $50,000
Margolis Foundation Seed Grant (2018) Harnessing Light and Heme Biosynthesis to Treat Blood-Stage Malaria. PIs: Lamb and Sigala: Total award: $50,000
NIH-NINDS (2017-2022) EphA2 mediates opening of the blood brain barrier in cerebral malaria PI: Tracey Lamb Total Award $1,665,618 (1R01NS097819-01)
NIH-NIAID (2016-2021) Suppression of anti-malarial humoral immune responses by Gammaherpesviruses MPI: Tracey Lamb and Samuel Speck, Emory University. Total Award $1,910,841 (1R01AI123425-01A1)
NIH-NINDS (2016-2019) The Role of EphA2 in the Development of Cerebral Malaria. Total Award $132,620 PI: Thayer King. Role: Mentor (1F31NS098736-01)
NIH-NIAID (2016) Vaccine Induced Immunity in the Young and Aged. PI: Rafi Ahmed, Emory University. Project title: Does acute EBV infection suppress the humoral responses to malaria in young infants? Direct Costs to Lamb and Speck: $35,000 Total Award $3,758,690 Role: MPI of Pilot Project with Sam Speck (U19 AI090023)
NIH-NIGMS (2015-2016) Supplement to T32 grant to develop an advanced statistics and experimental design course PI: Jeremy Boss, Emory University. Total Award Grant $86,400 Role: Co-Investigator (T32 GM008490 23S1)
NIH-NINDS (2014-2016). Demonstration of ephrin B ligands as novel targets for blocking T cell trafficking in experimental cerebral malaria. PI: Tracey Lamb. Total Award $390,000 (1R21-NS085382-01A1)
NIH Director’s New Innovator Award (2013-2018) The development of a novel intestinal vaccine delivery System using genetically modified probiotic organisms PI: Tracey Lamb. Total Award $2,329,500 (1DP2AI112242-01)
NIH - NIAID (2012-2017) An integrated Approach to Understanding Host-Pathogen Interactions using non-human primate malaria models PI: Mary Galinski, Emory University. Total Award $19,361,880 Role: Co-Investigator (NIHAI2010100)
Emory Egleston Childrens’ Research Centre (2012) Demonstration that ephrin ligands on CD4+T cells bind to Eph receptors and are differentially expressed on CD4+T cell subsets. PI: Tracey Lamb. Total Award $50,000
Emory Childrens’ Centre for Vaccines and Immunology (2011-2012) The development of a novel intestinal vaccine delivery system using genetically modified probiotic organisms. MPI: Tracey Lamb and Jan Mead. Total Award $50,000
Royal Society, UK (2010-2011) The co-stimulatory role of the Ephrin / Eph kinase family of molecules in the development of primary T helper cell responses. PI: Tracey Lamb Total Award 13,380GBP
MRC UK CASE Studentship (2010-2014) Funding for a PhD student to work on the development of a novel intestinal vaccine delivery system using genetically modified probiotic organisms. PI: Tracey Lamb. Total Award: Role: Mentor [RETURNED DUE TO MOVE TO EMORY]
University of Reading (2008-2011). Funding for a graduate student to work in the Lamb lab. Principal Investigator: Tracey Lamb. Total Award 39,000GBP. Role: Mentor