Welcome to the Medical Laboratory Science Division at the University of Utah. Home to an open and welcoming community with world-class faculty and state of the art facilities. Discover why the Medical Laboratory Science Programs are perfect for U!

MLS Welcome Back Social 2024
The MLS Division is happy to announce a Welcome Back Picnic for pre-MLS, current MLS, and graduate students. We are also welcoming any alumni to attend. If you are interested in attending, fill out this form to RSVP! We recommend bringing picnic blankets or chairs.

Lab Week 2024 Celebration
Lab Week 2024 is near! Here is what the MLS Division has planned for students. On Monday, April 15th we will be outside of the lab doing trivia, giving out Lab Week swag and treats, along with providing info on the rest of the week's games! Participating in the Lab Week activities puts you in the running to win an ASCP Study Guide bundle, giant microbes, and a secret prize! On April 19th, we will be celebrating our laboratory professionals with pizza and giving out the prizes to the winners. This year has a special theme; hint, it's PINK!

MLS Valentine Therapy Animal Visit
Join us February 12th, 2024 from 11-12pm in the Alumni Hall of EHSEB for treats and some dog love! Intermoutain Therapy Animals will be joining us with their therapy dogs for students to pet and hang out with. Studies show that therapy animals are able to greatly reduce stress, so stop by and de-stress for a bit.

ARUP On-Site Visit
The Medical Laboratory Sciences Division will be heading over to ARUP to table near the Mountain Side Cafe. We will be there from 11 am-1 pm and 4-6 pm on both February 5th and 6th.
Stop by and ask our advisors any questions you have about our undergraduate, graduate, or post-baccalaureate programs. We will have brochures and sample plans available for prospective students.

MLS Job Fair 2023
The MLS Job Fair is back! The job fair will have multiple companies there to answer questions about obtaining a job at their organization. The companies include Intermountain Health, ARUP and more. All of the companies have a entry level position for pre-MLS and current MLS students. Many of them offer a tuition reduction or reimbursement for students pursuing a degree in MLS.
The even will be on November 21st, from 12-2pm in the Alumni Hall of EHSEB. Refreshments provided.

MLS Welcome Back Social
The MLS Division would like to invite pre-MLS students, current MLS student and, graduate students to come and paint a pumpkin on October 16th, 2023! The event will be held in the Alumni Hall of EHSEB, from 3:45-5:45pm. Treats and drinks are provided.
Following the painting session, students and faculty will be able to vote on their favorite pumpkin. One winner will receive two tickets to Fear Factory Haunted House for one night of their choosing.
To RVSP, complete this form. Please complete the form by October 9th, 2023.
We hope to see you there!

MLS Study Abroad Information Session
Ever wanted to study abroad but didn't know how to find a program? Attend our information session specifically for MLS and Pre-MLS students!
Learn where you can study abroad through the Learning Abroad and Global Engagement office. Professor Sheri Hohmann will be presenting information on the study abroad program in Ghana, which is specific to MLS students.
November 14th, from 12:10-1:30pm EHSEB room 1750. Snacks and refreshments are provided.

MLS Welcome Back Social
The MLS Division would like to invite pre-MLS students, current MLS student, graduate students and alumni to a welcome back social on August 18th, from 5:30-7pm at Sugarhouse Park. We will be gathering at the SegoLilly Pavilion for a Chick-fil-A dinner and games. Faculty and alumni are invited as well, so this is a good time to meet people in your field.
To RVSP, complete this form with your meal selection. Please make your selection by August 11th, 2023.
Sugarhouse Park: 1330 2100 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84106
We hope to see you there!

ARUP Tour for High School Students
Do you know a high school student who was unable to attend our Summer Immersion Program but is still interested in Medical Laboratory Science? The University of Utah Medical Laboratory Science Division is partnering with ARUP Laboratories for an exclusive tour of their laboratories in Salt Lake City. Students will have the opportunity to tour the different areas of the laboratory and ask questions regarding the profession or educational paths. This is the perfect opportunity for high school students/recent graduates who are interested in healthcare, biology or chemistry. To register for the tour, please email MLSSIP@path.utah.edu.

Intermountain Therapy Animal Visit
The Medical Laboratory Sciences (MLS) Division will be hosting a visit from Intermountain Therapy Animals on April 6, 2023 at 11:30am in the Medical School Library. This comes in time to de-stress before final exams and take a break from studying. Therapy animals can reduce stress, anxiety, provide comfort and reduce blood pressure. We have invited the University of Utah School of Medicine students to participate as well.
Please send any concerns or inquiries to Porshai Nielsen, (porshai.nielsen@path.utah.edu)
Looking forward to seeing you there!