Training Opportunities
AAI Courses in Immunology
AAI week long intensive introductory and advanced courses in Immunology provide a comprehensive overview of the basics of immunology.
The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) Training
EMBL-EBI provides free up to date online tutorials on a wide range of bioinformatics topics, including tutorials on how to use the EMBL-EBI’s public data resources.
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Courses
EMBL offers a wide variety of practical courses, workshops and conferences across all six EMBL sites.
Institut Pasteur
The Institut Pasteur offers various courses in Public Health, Mechanisms of Living Organisms, and Biology of Microorganisms as well as workshops on different scientific topics.
Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL)
Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) summer courses MBL offers a number of advanced training courses lasting several weeks. Courses include comprehensive cutting-edge instruction in parasitology, mycology and microbial diversity.
Annual Summer Institute in Statistics and Modeling in Infectious Diseases (SISMID)
Held by the University of Washington and partially supported by NIAID, SISMID offers a variety of courses and instruction in modern methods of statistical analysis including introduction to R and infectious diseases, immunology and within-host models.
Salt Lake Learners of Biostatistics (SLLOBS)
Run by Aaron Quinlan (University of Utah), SLLOBS is an online course taht covers all aspects of biostatistics.
Clinical and Translational Science Institute, University of Utah
U2M2G Training Program in Translational Science.
Research Resources & Laboratory Protocols
Current Protocols
A comprehensive source for protocols and overviews in the field of cell biology, cytometry, essential laboratory techniques, genetics, immunology, microbiology, mouse biology, protein science and stem cell biology, neuroscience as well as training videos.
Springer Nature Experiments
Springer Nature Experiments provides over 70,000 reviewed, up-to date protocols and methods in biological, chemical and clinical sciences. It contains protocols from Nature Protocols, Springer Protocols, Nature Methods and Nature Reviews Methods Primers
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols
An interdisciplinary journal providing a source of research methods in cell, developmental and molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, protein science, computational biology, immunology, neuroscience and imaging.
An online peer-reviewed protocols journal that publishes both classic and novel protocols validated by their use in a published research article and not found in other protocol journals
Cell Mentor
Provides technical and career advice
Protocol Online
A large database of life science protocols collected from suppliers and labs around the world.
Nature Protocol Exchange
A free, non-peer reviewed open repository for protocols
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)
A peer-reviewed scientific video journal that publishes videos showing the steps of new research methods and technologies in visual detail
The Scientist Webinars
Learn about new tools and technologies that spark experimental ideas and pave the way to discovery
Immunology at Work Resource Center
A website created by Thermo Fisher Scientific that contains protocols and video tutorials on products and basic immunology
Addgene Protocols
Practical protocols and videos on basic molecular biology, cloning and virus production